Meeting Pearls 1
Meeting Pearls Vol 1 (1994).iso
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Dear Users of the Meeting Pearls!
Meeting Pearls Volume 1 is a new CD for the Amiga, which you can by for
less than 20 DM. This low price could be achieved by the efforts of some
freaks, which spent quite a lot of time and work for no charge to create
this software collection.
Coming from Germany and the neighboured countries, mostly over several
hundred kilometres, they met on Whitsun 1994 in Burlafingen at Neu-Ulm
to exchange knowledge and experiences, and to create this CD.
The meeting was quite expensive - travel, rent of the hall, etc. - but
it was fun, and that is the point!
If you want to support those who without compensation put quite a lot
of time and money into this collection, we ask you for just a little
monetary donation. Especially if you liked this CD and would like to
support similar projects in the future.
You can do this by transferring an arbitrary amount upward from 5 DM
(3 US-$) onto following account:
Angela Schmidt
Sparkasse Karlsruhe
BLZ: 660 501 01
Account: 9 987 249
Usage: Meeting Pearls Vol. 1
If possible, please do not send cash or checks, because it is much easier
for us to deal with the money on the account. Thank you.
Naturally the amount may be larger, if you mean that the assembling of this
CD is worth it. This amount is not a payment but should be regarded as a
voluntary donation to support future meetings where possibly some more
Meeting Pearls might be assembled. In such a case this donation may even
prove as an additional motivation to improve the CD, which means a whole
lot more work.
At this moment it is unsure, if there ever will be a Volume 2. It depends
on this CD being a success, and whether the voluntary helpers are next
time as motivated as this time. We'll wait and hope the best!
To use this CD, or to copy various applications from the CD onto your hard
disk, first start the program 'clickme.first' which installs all important
things, so that most of the applications are usable from CD, and that
for example your pet text viewer is used. Of course it is possible to
control this program in such a way that no permanent changes are done
to your system.
Last but not least a big Thank You! to these folks:
Bernhard Möllemann - Mandelbroticons, network planning, Internet connection,...
Thorsten Früauf - Internet connection, general support
Christian Scholz - Mosaic pages, meeting pictures
Georg Heßmann - PasTeX
Markus Illenseer - NetBSD
Hubert Feyrer - NetBSD
Martin Kopp - Translations, ideas and borrowing of a Dat streamer
Lars Düning - Translations
Lothar Maier - Borrowing of a 1 GB hard disk.
Uwe Krüger, Institut Wettstein, Uni Karlsruhe - Mandelbrotsets
Kai 'wusel' Siering - Meeting-Pearls Mailinglist, Awesome ARexx Scripts :-)
Ralph Babel - Restore script for protection flags etc., CD-ROM online help
Ralf Deifel - General hints & discussions
Martin Schulze - General hints & discussions
Fred Fish - Help in producing of the CD-ROM
Matthias Scheler - Administration during the meeting
Franz-Josef-Reichert - Meeting pictures
Frank Neumann - Amiga Linux installation, meeting pictures
Fionn Behrens - PGP-Pubring, meeting pictures
Michael Illgner - Mandelbrot survey pictures, WinGnuPlot
Kai Bolay - Amok disks
Stefan Becker - UMS- and Toolmanager installation
Frank Riffel - Delitracker
Thomas Kröner - TkEd, PerfMonitor
Gerrit Heitsch - Hardware hacks
Michael Böhnisch - Net streamer
Michael-Wolfgang Hohmann - Icons (sorry, it was too late to use them...)
Jürgen Weinelt - CD contents lists
We wish you fun und success with the CD!
Angela Schmidt (idea and organisation of the CD and the meeting)